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Estate Sale Photo Gallery
John Deere Lighted Clock
1947 John Deere Calendar
1942 John Deere Calendar
1958 IH Calendar
IH Oil Can
McCormick-Deering Oil Can
John Deere Oil Can
John Deere Oil Can
John Deere Oil Can
John Deere Oil Can
Oliver Glass Ashtray
Farmall M Mirror
MM Clothespin Bag
1955 MM Calendar
1939 John Deere Tractor Company Shop Rules
John Deere Argentina Letter Opener
John Deere Thermometer
John Deere Thermometer
John Deere Thermometer
1964 John Deere Pocket Calendar
John Deere Supervisors Club Ashtray
John Deere Tape Measure NIB
1969 John Deere Spreader Foundry Ashtray
John Deere S&P Shaker
John Deere S&P Shaker
John Deere Leaping Lager Beer
Deere & Mansur Notebook
Harvestore S&P Shakers
John Deere L&G Motor Oil Can
John Deere L&G Transmission Oil Can
John Deere Employees Credit Union Rain Gauge
John Deere Plow Planter Foundry Anvil
1976 John Deere Ashtray
John Deere Generation II Hat
John Deere Hat
1990 John Deere Phoenix Anvil
John Deere Anvil
John Deere Mini Sign
John Deere Playing Cards
2005 John Deere 5 Year Anniversary Paperweight
(2) Velie Postcards
(2) IH Playing Cards + Glass Picture
IH Level
1967 IH Calendar
1960 IH Parts + Accessories Catalog
1961 IH Parts + Accessories Catalog
1960 IH Calendar
1965 IH Buyers Guide
McCormick Balers Sharpening Stone
IH Refrigeration Egg Separator
IH Thermometer
(2) IH S&P Shakers + Pencil Holder
(3) IH Trucks Matchbooks
IH Scherrman's 45th Anniversary Dish
(2) IH Tape Measures
(2) IH S&P Shakers
IH Thermometer
1961 IH Full Line Catalog
1960 IH Full Line Catalog
(2) IH Trucks + Freezers Matchbooks
IH Broom Holder
International Trucks S&P Shaker
Oliver Charles City Ashtray
Oliver Ashtray
IHC McCormick-Deering Corn Planter Manuals
IHC McCormick-Deering Cream Separator Manuals
IH Refrigerator Lot
IH Refrigeration Literature + Broom Holder
(3) IH Wrench, Matchbook, Key Chain
(2) IH Lighters
IH St. Paul Works Employee Badge
IH Lighter
(6) IH Lot
(6) IH Mechanical Pencils
(5) IH Pencils
(2) Hammers
John Deere Thermometer
(2) John Deere Tape Measures
John Deere Rain Gauge NIB
John Deere Clipboard
Deere & Company Thermometer
(2) John Deere Ashtray + Matchbook
(3) John Deere Ashtrays
John Deere L&G Motor Oil Can
(2) John Deere 2-Cycle Engine Oil Cans
(2) John Deere Snowmobile 2-Cycle Engine Oil Cans
(2) John Deere Oil + Fuel Conditioner Cans
John Deere Service Charm
John Deere Walking Plow Model
John Deere End Gate
John Deere Sales Literature
John Deere Tractor Sales Literature
(2) John Deere Disk + Hammer Mill Mailers
(3) John Deere Implement Sales Literature
(3) John Deere Implement Sales Literature
1937 John Deere Centennial Barrel Coin Bank
John Deere Tape Measure Key Chain
John Deere Tape Measure
John Deere Tape Measure NIB
John Deere Lighter
Dain Manufacturing Co. Trade Card
John Deere Ashtray
Allis Chalmers Mirror
IH Thermometer
1963 IH Global Challenge Pin
Oliver Rain Gauge
IH Ashtray
Oliver Ashtray
(3) Oliver Matchbooks
Oliver Employee Badge
Oliver + Phillips 66 Letter Opener
(2) Oliver Mechanical Pencils
(3) Oliver Pens
(5) Oliver Pencils
Oliver + Dodge/Plymouth Paper Hat
MM Tape Measure
United Hagie Thermometer
1949-1950 John Deere Better Farming Catalog
1951-1952 John Deere Better Farming Catalog
1957 John Deere Modern Farming Catalog
1943 John Deere Handbook on Care + Operation
1939 John Deere Weeds and Their Control Literature
John Deere Pasture A Paying Crop Sales Literature
John Deere Fertilizer for Higher Yields Sales Literature
1931 John Deere Plow Sales Literature
1961 John Deere Parts Special Catalog
1937 John Deere Centennial Calendar
1937 John Deere Centennial Sales Literature
John Deere Mirror
1918 John Deere Magazine
(2) 1919 John Deere Magazines
(2) 1918 + 1920 John Deere Magazines
(3) John Deere Record Albums
(4) John Deere Record Albums
John Deere Ashtray
John Deere Hardware Gauge
John Deere B Tractor Instructions + Parts List
John Deere Crystal Dish NIB
(2) John Deere Thermometer and Rain Gauge
John Deere Ashtray
John Deere Metal Box
John Deere Thermometer
John Deere Ashtray
John Deere Two Cylinder Matchbook
John Deere Padlock NIP
John Deere Mirror
John Deere Malleable Works Pen + Pencil Set
Oliver, New Idea, GMC, Phillips 66 Thermometer
John Deere Pearl Watch Fob
John Deere Pearl Watch Fob
1/16 John Deere Engine 1999 Nashville SC
John Deere Parts Store Sign
John Deere Ashtray
John Deere Tape Measure
1946 John Deere Playing Cards
(2) John Deere Mirror + Twine Holder
(2) John Deere Thermometer + Rain Gauge
(2) John Deere Thermometer + Rain Gauge
(5) John Deere Bags + Ballon
John Deere Ashtray
1924 Repass Automobile Co. Calendar
Coes Wrench Co. Letter Opener
Quaker Oats Brush
(2) Stoneware Jar + Jug
John Deere Tie
John Deere Nitrogen Calculator
AC General Foreman Employee Badge
AC Oil Can Bank + Thermometer
(2) AC Clipboard + Pocket Protector
(2) Allis Chalmers 20 Years Pins
Allis Chalmers 10 Years Service Pin
(4) AC Postcard, Key Chain, Matchbook, Notebook
(2) Allis Chalmers + New Idea Bullet Pencils
MH + GMC Thermometer + Bullet Pencil
Massey-Harris 20 Years Service Pin
(2) Massey-Harris S&P Shaker + Matchbook
(2) John Deere Waterloo Works Pin + Pressure Gauge
(2) John Deere Fertilizer Bullet Pencil + Notebook
John Deere Lot
(3) 1987 John Deere 150 Years Lot
John Deere Service Charm Bracelet
John Deere 35 Years Service Ring
John Deere 30 Years Service Ring
John Deere Dubuque Tool Tag
John Deere Ashtray
(2) 1958 John Deere Kids Books
(2) John Deere Sales Literature
John Deere Corn Sheller Sales Literature
John Deere Potato Diggers Sales Literature
John Deere L + LA Tractor Sales Literature
John Deere + Chevrolet Thermometer NIB
John Deere Foundry Division Tape Measure
Oliver Chilled Plow Works Employee Badge
Deere Power Pen + Pencil Set
IH Rain Gauge
(2) IH Rain Gauge + Tape Measure
(2) IH Pencils
(5) IH Pens + Pencils
(3) IH S&P Shakers
(2) IH S&P Shakers
IH Thermometer
IH Belt Buckle
IH Belt Buckle
John Deere Chemical Co. Bullet Pencil
John Deere Hay Masters Knife
John Deere Bolo Tie
John Deere Key Chain Tape Measure
John Deere Toolbox
1957 Allis Chalmers Calendar
(4) Ford Oil Cans, Clip, Fob
1987 John Deere 150 Years Medallion NIB
John Deere Pencil Holder
Union Malleable Iron Works Horseshoe
John Deere Thermometer
(2) John Deere Tape Measure + Clip
(3) John Deere Credit Union Paperweight + Matchbooks
John Deere Softball NIB
(6) John Deere Snowmobile Patches
(3) John Deere Staplers
John Deere Tightwad Wallet
(2) John Deere Mechanical Pencils
John Deere Tape Dispenser
John Deere Key Chain Tape Measure
(5) John Deere Calendars
(3) John Deere Fishing Lures + Can Coozie
(3) MM Twin City Thermometer, Watch Fob, Pin
(2) MM Tape Measure + Thimble
MM Broom Holder NIB
Oliver Clipboard
Oliver Lighter
Iowa State Hybrid Seed Corn Thermometer
(2) John Deere Sign + Tray
(3) John Deere Bullet Pencils
(3) John Deere Paper Cups
John Deere Straw Cowboy Hat
John Deere Straw Hat
John Deere Straw Hat
John Deere Pith Helmet
(3) John Deere Thermometers
1997 John Deere Power Tech Engine Plaque
(2) John Deere Power Pen + Pencil Set + Belt Buckle
(3) John Deere Wallets + Key Holder
John Deere Lot
1987 John Deere 150 Years Desk Set NIB Ertl
(2) IH Lighter + Tape Measure
(2) IH Tape Measures
IH S&P Shaker
(6) IH Matchbooks
(2) IHC Coin + Charm
(2) 1931 McCormick Centennial of the Reaper Coins
(2) John Deere Thermometers
Brass Grain Probe
Brass Grain Probe
(4) Fire Nozzles + Extinguisher
(2) Fire Axes
(3) Wooden Levels
(3) Thermometers
(3) Thermometer, Brush, Button
(3) Mini Anvils
John Deere Golf Putter
(3) John Deere Night Lights
(2) Match Box Holders
Mason City Rendering Co. Match Holder
(3) John Deere Belt Buckles
(3) John Deere + UAW Belt Buckles
(3) John Deere Day Belt Buckles
(2) John Deere Fly-In Medallion + Key Chain
John Deere Hay Masters Knife
(2) 1987 John Deere 150th Anniversary Knives
John Deere Pocket Knife
(5) John Deere Key Chains + Keys
(2) John Deere Tape Measures
(3) John Deere Bow + Tie Bars
John Deere + Union Lot
John Deere Tape Measure
(2) John Deere Tape Measures
John Deere Stickers + Decals
(2) John Deere Bullet Pencils
John Deere Measuring Cup
John Deere Lot
John Deere Lot
John Deere + UAW Lot
John Deere Lanz Lighter
John Deere Lighter
John Deere Glass
Farmers Seed Corn Thermometer
Funks S&P Shaker + Cress Feed Store Sting Holder
John Deere Watch Fob
(2) John Deere 125 Years Key Chain + Decal
(2) John Deere Plow Pins
(2) John Deere Parts Boxes
John Deere Employees Credit Union Rain Gauge
(3) John Deere Dubuque Works Belt Buckles
(4) John Deere Belt Buckles
(5) John Deere Belt Buckles
(4) John Deere Belt Buckles
(4) John Deere Belt Buckles
(4) John Deere Belt Buckles
(4) John Deere Industrial Belt Buckles
(4) John Deere Dubuque Works Belt Buckles
(3) John Deere Dubuque Works Belt Buckles
(3) John Deere Dubuque Works Belt Buckles
(4) John Deere Belt Buckles
(6) John Deere Belt Buckles
(3) John Deere Belt Buckles
(4) John Deere Belt Buckles
(4) John Deere Belt Buckles
(4) John Deere Belt Buckles
(4) John Deere Belt Buckles
(4) John Deere Belt Buckles
(4) John Deere Belt Buckles
(4) John Deere Belt Buckles
(4) John Deere Belt Buckles
(2) John Deere Knife + Ruler
John Deere Igloo Cooler
Allis Chalmers Ashtray
Allis Chalmers Lighter
Allis Chalmers Pocket Knife
(2) Allis Chalmers Tape Measure + Sharpening Stone
(2) Allis Chalmers Ashtray + Thimble
Allis Chalmers Playing Cards Set
Allis Chalmers Industrial Lighter
Allis Chalmers Employee Badge
(2) Allis Chalmers 20 Year Service Pin + Tie Clip
(3) AC + NH Thermometer, Knife, Level
MM Thermometer
(2) Case Bullet Pencils
(2) Case Watch Fob + Print
(2) MH + MF Ashtrays
(4) Oliver Lot
John Deere Visor Mirror
John Deere Stuffed Deer
(5) IH Address Book, Patch, Matchbooks
IH Visor Mirror
The Century of the Reaper Book
(2) IH Cream Separator Sales Literature + Manual
(3) IH Ashtray, Thermometer, Picture
IH Tool Sheath + Clip
IH Safety Lens Light Cover
(3) IH Trucks Lot
(5) IH Lot
(2) John Deere Books
(8) John Deere Glasses
(7) John Deere Glasses
(4) John Deere Glasses
(7) John Deere Glasses
(2) John Deere Lamps
(3) John Deere Cloth Logos
(4) Allis Chalmers Lot
Allis Chalmers Key Chain
Allis Chalmers Agricultural Catalog 35
(2) John Deere Bowl + Pitcher
(2) John Deere Bowls
John Deere Tumbler NIB
(2) John Deere Stoneware Mugs
(2) Grain Scoops
(2) Grain Scoops
(2) John Deere Albums
Oliver Playing Cards
IH Farm Calculator
Case Farm Calculator
IH Lamp
Farmers Hybrid Seed Corn Rain Gauge NIB
IH Reflector-Flare Kit
IH Rain Gauge
IHC Cast Iron Toolbox
(4) John Deere Glasses
John Deere 5 Year Service Pin
John Deere 5 Year Service Pin
John Deere 10 Year Service Pin
John Deere 15 Year Service Pin
John Deere 15 Year Service Pin
John Deere 20 Year Service Pin
John Deere 20 Year Service Pin
John Deere 25 Year Service Pin
John Deere 25 Year Service Pin
John Deere 30 Year Service Pin
John Deere 32 Year Service Pin
John Deere 34 Year Service Pin
John Deere 35 Year Service Pin
Lap Anvil
(3) Clay Equip. Corp. Nameplate + Ashtrays
(2) Cream Separator Oil Cans
(2) De Laval Jersey Cow + Calf
(2) De Laval Holstein Cow + Calf
(2) De Laval Guernsey Cow + Calf
(2) De Laval Cream Separator Tip Tray + Match Holder
(3) De Laval Year Book / Farm Manuals
(5) De Laval Literature
(3) Galloway Watch Fob + Thimbles
(2) Empire + Sharples Cream Separator Advertising
(4) D-X Advertising
(4) Skelly Advertising
(5) D-X Advertising
(4) Standard Oil Advertising
(6) Texaco + Mobil Advertising
(7) Phillips 66 Advertising
Oil Company Advertising
(5) Tool Lot
(4) Tool Lot
(9) Tool Lot
(5) String Holders + Bell
Misc. Advertising Lot
Misc. Advertising Lot
Misc. Lot
Hatchery Lot
Hatchery Lot
(4) Iowa Chauffeur Badges
(4) Iowa Chauffeur Badges
(2) Bicycle Tag + License Plate
Misc. Advertising Lot
(2) 1922 Iowa License Plate + Dysart Plate
1923 Iowa License Plate
1928 Iowa License Plate
(3) Badges
Buck Knide NIB
Dairy Advertising Lot
(4) Pins + Watch Fob
Automotive Advertising
(5) Hatchery + Elevator Advertising
Advertising + Tag Lot
Pioneer Seed Corn Lot
(5) Advertising Lot
(3) Rain Gauges
(2) Lanterns
(2) Oil Bottles
(3) OIl Bottles + Grease Gun
(7) Storage Containers
(7) Storage Containers
(4) Glass Shadow Box Cases
(4) Glass Shadow Box Cases
(10) Plastic Storage Tubs