Central Machinery 5 Speed Bench Drill Press Item 60238...
Heavy Duty dolly 46" x 29" x 10" w/locking wheels (1 wheel missing)...
Large LOT of vehicle parts & other shop type items, NEW, USED, & UNKNOWN...Includes items on pegboard; on, in, under, & leaning on table; and red metal storage box hanging on wall w/gloves...
Large LOT of vehicle parts & other shop type items, NEW, USED, & UNKNOWN...Includes items on pegboard; on top of counter; on and under table; in cabinet above table; fluorescent bulbs; yellow parts bi
Four(4) 30 Gal plastic totes w/lids in great condition...
NIB Pyle Waterproof Speaker Components SEE DESCRIPTION FOR DETAILS...
Very unique John Deere Tractor Lamp w/GE Electric Meter attached...
Aluminum contraption(may be for bending pipe) 75.75" w base x 43.5" h at arch...
Weber smoker...
Large LOT of vehicle parts & other shop type items, NEW, USED, & UNKNOWN...Includes items on top of table; on wall and/or shelf above table; manifolds, exhausts, & driveshaft under table...
Large LOT of vehicle parts & other shop type items, NEW, USED, & UNKNOWN...Includes items on top of table; on wall and/or shelf above table; rims & camshaft under table...
Gray metal cabinet 36.5" w x 12" d 37" h & contents...
Set of Four(4) heavy duty metal single wheel dollies...
Two(2) 4' x 8' pieces of sheet steel plus some extra...
Very heavy steel box on poles looks like it may be for a water fowl nest?...
Stainless steel prep table w/bottom rack 49.75" w x 24" d x 35.75" h...
Twelve(12) 40# bags of Econo-Line GreenTru Corncob 526040 20/40...
LOT of 25 lbs bags of ZIX Animal Odor Control SOME BAGS ARE TORN BUT MOST OF THE 20-21 BAGS LOOK OK...
Pallet containing landscape stones and rip rap...
Road Gear Cab Rack 70" w x 68" h INCLUDES PICTURED EQUIPMENT...
Three(3) UNTESTED gas powered blowers SEE PICS FOR DETAILS...
UNTESTED STIHL gas powered blower model BG75...
Two(2) UNTESTED gas powered weekenders SEE PICS FOR DETAILS...
ENDURO UNTESTED gas powered limb shredder/leaf vacuum SEE PICS FOR DETAILS...
UNTESTED Billy Goat QB Small Frame Quiet Blow Blower Model QB554HC W/5 HP Honda OHV engine...
Craftsman UNTESTED gas powered edger/trimmer SEE PICS FOR DETAILS...