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Estate Sale Photo Gallery
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Group of belt buckles
1903 James Ross Bryson framed lithograph
Group of ladies' gloves
Sessions electric clock
Carnival glass swung vase
Oil lamp with reflector
L.E. Smith carnival pressed glass bowl
Group of scarves
Ladies' metal belts
Group of ladies' belts
Fox fur ladies' hat with hat box
Group of ladies' hats & fur ear muffs
Bed warmer
Applique quilt --eagle with 13 stars
Antique crazy quilt
Vintage Effanbee baby doll with sleep eyes
Large group of plastic license plates
Large lot of vintage handkerchiefs
Group of fur & cheetah hide scraps
Fur stole
Child�s blue velvet muff
Mink fur pelt
Mink fur pelt
Vintage formal dresses
Pair of soldier hand puppets
Religious icons and collectibles
Vintage chalkware shoe coin bank
Red glass USS Maine battleship candy dish
Glass Snoopy coin bank
Table lamp with pink beaded glass shade
3-piece epergne centerpiece
Strawberry milkshake cookie jar
Shafford "The Lovables" ceramic cat
2 vintage Antoine glass candy canisters
Coca-Cola ice cream parlor wall clock
1976 Benji 100-pc. jigsaw puzzle
Antique Armand Marseille bisque doll
Waterford crystal clock
Eda Mann porcelain Christmas candleholders
Reproduction French fashion plates
Utilitech portable heater
2 vintage photo albums
Chinese famille rose bowl
Porcelain beagle figure
Frosted glass lily vase
Framed 1869 George Washington family lithograph
Stangl "Town & Country" bowls
Regent-Sheffield steak knives
Bakelite Manhattan pipe with case
Mini 1930 Men's Doubles trophy
Elephant ceramic planter with crackle finish
Fur stole, collar, & misc.
Plaster cat figure
Antique J. & P. Coats spool cabinet
Christmas rocking horse coin bank
Lefton girl with flower basket figure
Figural Nao table lamp
Lefton girl with flower basket figure
44" floor fan with brass blades
Sewing stand --32" tall
Wood magazine rack --29" tall
6-foot metal coat rack
Electric figural parlor lamp with cherub
Japanese Imari ware charger
Vintage photo lot
Fur muff
Sportsman flashlight
Tommy Hilfiger purse
Tommy Hilfiger purse
Blue logo print handbag
Waterford crystal rose paperweight
Snoopy glass coin bank
Mechanical woodpecker toothpick dispenser
Shaving mirror with mirrored shelf
Purple Bulaggi purse
Tommy Hilfiger purse
4-lily epergne centerpiece
Bleu Cordon stoneware onion soup bowls
9-piece Asian style tray set
German weather clock
Electric figural parlor lamp --no shade
Ladies' Ralph Lauren coat Size L
Custom built ice cream parlor
Rocking metal mesh patio chair
5 foot wrought iron bench
Victorian wrought metal wire bench and chair
Side table with treadle sewing machine base
Black cast metal pot and stand
Cast iron table and 4 chairs
Apple IIc computer, monitor, ImageWriter II
Folk art metal bird cage
Ceramic duck
Glass and porcelain bird figures
Animal hide rocking horse
Wall clock
Electrified parlor lamp
Contents of bathroom counter
6 vintage car horns
11 shaving mugs
Items on top of wash stand
Wall hanging display cabinet
Marble top wash stand
International dolls
Vintage metal wall hooks
Walnut wall-mount hat tree with mirror
Assorted dolls group
Vintage armchair
5' vintage bridge lamp
Vintage baby clothes
Beveled glass wash stand mirror with towel bart
Cedar chest with drawer on Queen Anne legs
9 leather skirts Sizes 2-10 petite
7 short ladies' jackets --Size Small petite
Large lot of ladies belts
Ladies' coats
Ladies' night gowns
Antique trunk with lace
Cast iron vanity bench
Adjustable clothing rack on casters
Large lot of vintage ladies' clothing
Early child�s wicker chair
Wicker plant stand
Cleanup lot
Early oval wicker side table --damaged
Collection of dolls and figurines
Vintage table linens
Vintage ladies' magazines and assorted ephemera
Cleanup lot on bed
Group of ladies' sweaters
Group of ladies' sweaters
Group of ladies' sweaters
Singer treadle sewing machine cabinet
Crocheted coverlet and pillow shams
Buffet mirror
Full-size wrought iron bed
Large lot of ladies' belts
Large painted cabinet
Walnut wash stand
Cleanup lot with sewing basket
Shadowbox with wedding memorabilia
Shadowbox and contents
Closet of ladies clothes
Children's clothes group
4 baby dolls in trunk
Lot of vintage women�s clothes
Vintage trunk of lace and crochet
Vanity with mirror
Contents on top of dresser
Group of Asian tourist items
5 small brass animals
Bed warmer
Heavy brass costumer --6.5' tall
Small oval marble top table --damaged
Small spinning wheel project
Child's porcelain tea set
Wash basin set with chamber pot
Early American style highboy chest of drawers
5 foot cheval mirror
Small washstand
Magazine rack
3 framed prints of children
Single door bookcase
Antique chair with cane seat
6 foot heavy brass costumer
Full-size early American style canopy bed
Small trunk with crib mobile
Small ottoman
Rollator walker
Vintage rollaround TV cart
Group of framed wall art
Wall mount hat and coat rack
29x51 ornate-framed beveled mirror
Floor lamp with beaded shade
Royal paper shredder
4-drawer file cabinet plus contents on top
Power recliner --works
Group of purses
Group of purses
Wall mirror 14x28
Vintage Lammert's side table
Table lamp with fringed shade
2 magazine holders
Parrot cage --32" tall
Cuckoo clock
Gate leg drop leaf table
3-piece Asian desk
MZ Altrohlau Czech canister set
Assorted porcelain collectible dishes
Cast metal bell
Wall pocket and parrot picture
Wesco wall phone
Regulator wall clock
Primitive collectibles on kitchen wall
Mirror and shelf behind stove top
Kitchenware on stove top
Contents on kitchen wall
9 vintage rolling pins
Contents of cabinet under stove top
Contents of drawers in kitchen
Contents of upper kitchen cabinet
Microwave & toaster oven
Contents of upper kitchen cabinet
Group of wall plates
Collection of pewter
Flow blue and blue & white dishes
Contents of 2 bottom cabinets & 1 drawer
Contents of upper kitchen cabinet
Contents of bottom kitchen cabinet with cookware
Wall shelf/coat rack with Delft tiles
Wall cabinet
Oil lamp with wall bracket
Blue and white dishes in kitchen cubby
Metlox Poppytrail canister set
Set of 12 Libbey "Blue Lace" glass tumblers
Contents on kitchen shelf behind sink
Contents on kitchen counter next to fridge
Contents of 3 drawers by kitchen sink
Still life litho and punched paper motto
Kenmore refrigerator
Antique arm chair
Antique arm chair
Small antique dining table
Electric portable heater
Vitrine display table
Ice cream parlor table and 2 chairs
Small stool with cast iron base
3 stools with cast metal bases
Wexford tower fan
48" wicker table and 3 chairs
Upholstered side chair
Candles group
Birdhouse on stand
Vintage 1973 rolling hobbyhorse
Collection of pins on bulletin board
Matches lot
2 plastic signs
12 Brandenburg Germany "Blue Onion" mugs
Hot chocolate and ice cream cups
12 ice cream bowls and scoops
2 soda fountain jars
Large lot of pins
Large lot of pins
Large lot of pins
5 marionettes
Ice cream shop decor pieces
Green Depression Indiana Glass uranium tumbler
Straw dispenser
Royal ice cream scoop
Vintage one-pint ice cream box
Collection of vintage tins
Eastlake wall shelf
Vintage wooden wall shelf with drawer
Colgate barbers shaving soap box
Clean up lot on table
Collection of ice cream pins
Coca-Cola tray
1981 Coca Cola Christmas tray
Small brass countertop sweets dispenser
Folding wire egg basket
Regulator wall clock
Soft serve hnd crank ice cream machine
Waring ice cream machine
Japan lacquer ware tray
Chalkware cat
Wilton cast iron turtle trinket box
Black metal trunk
Foot stool
2 Coca Cola 2-liter bottle holders
Massive ornate hall mirror and foyer table
Collection of books, music books, and sheet music
6 home crafted Black Americana bottle dolls
Cleanup lot on table
6" x 53" tapestry bell pull
Early gilt framed mirror --24" wide
Hand crafted Christmas carousel
Green Depression glass pitcher and 6 glasses
Marble top Eastlake parlor table
3 dolls
Antique-look reproduction settee
6 green Depression uranium glass stemware
8 green Depression uranium glass stemware
Green Depression glass dishes --service for 12
Dried flowers in oval bubble glass frame
Mini plush animals in carry case
Cleanup lot
8 green Depression uranium glass plates
Flip top game table
Early cast-iron halt tree with umbrella holder
Small side table
Miniature dress form
Table lamp with beaded glass shade
6' heavy brass costumer
4' folding table
Asian cabinet with hardstone inlay
Vintage linens
Early rocking chair
Antique child's rocking chair project
Brass marble top fern stand
Christmas decor lot and porcelain dolls
Pair of matching tole painted tilt-top side tables
36" square table with 2 pull-out 13" leaves
12 purses
13 purses
Early wall clock
Eastlake fern stand
Asian planter pot
6' ornate gilt framed mirror
Folding top game table
Yamaha grand piano
Heavy ornate antique mirror in gilt frame
Contents of mantle
Brass folding peacock fireplace screen
Brass fireplace fender
Brass foot warmer stool
Soft goods lot
Music cabinet
Brass dog-handled walking stick
Asian coffee table with hard stone inlay
Child�s ice cream parlor table and 2 chairs
Pair of figural table lamps
Vanity mirror collection
Dooney & Bourke purse
Japanese Kutani sleeping cat figure
Red Pyrex refrigerator dish
NEW CorningWare casserole
Blue and white vase
Crystal pitcher
Biscuit jar
Porcelain vase
Messenger bag & wallet marked Prada
Beaded handbag
Embroidered satin pillow
Vintage books
Franciscan China "Rossmore" plates
Vintage mouse trap
Dresser mirror with wishbone project
Print in ornate frame
Queen Elizabeth tapestry 22x26
Vintage Santa figure
Holiday Inn glass ashtray
Candle snuffer
Heavy plaster lion
Antique German family Bible
Group of Disney and Peanuts child's utensils
3 antique books
3 vintage cast metal picture frames
Tapestry 32x35
8 Coca Cola place mats
Art Nouveau table lamp
Vintage heavy school letter sweater
Cutter quilt
Wind up tin litho cat
Bankers lamp with green glass shade
Twin light table lamp with glass shades
Antique slag glass table lamp
Plaster mirror with putti figure
Wall mirror
NEW 3-pack of Puffs tissues
NEW 6 bars Dove soap
Washington pennant
The Wizard of Oz award
Portable JVC CD/cassette player
Framed newspaper ad
Brass Sheffield alarm clock
A. Clauberg straight razor
Japanese vase
Japan vase
Garment rack in box
Contents of closet
Antique wall mirror 13x53
Vintage drop leaf table on casters
Contents of mantle
Contents on mantle
Walnut parlor chair
Child�s pressed back rocking chair
Mirror in ornate frame 32x37
Child�s pressed back rocking chair
Wooden beaded curtain
Eagle table lamp
3-legged plant stand
Painted antique cabinet
Mirror with painted plaster frame12x25
Group of books & unused greeting cards
Drop front secretary desk
Floor lamp
5 framed prints and photos
Ornate buffet mirror 30x60
Group of dolls
Victorian style sofa
Group of purses in cabinet
Hans Figura signed harbor aquatint print
Octagon side table
Antique oval framed portrait
Victorian chest of drawers
Large lot of ladies' sweaters
Jewelry armoire
Jewelry armoire
3-panel Victorian dressing screen
Small folding sewing rocker
Pair of Kimball Victorian style ladies' chairs
Victorian glove box dresser
Flat of porcelain
Pair of bedside lamps with beaded shades
Rolling organizer draw with ladies' sweaters
Ladies' clothes lot
Dresser boxes and miscellaneous
Eastlake marble top parlor table
Clothing rack and contents
Book or music stand
Jewelry armoire
Ornate Victorian walnut dresser
Ladies sweaters
6 foot metal coat rack
Small quilt rack with crocheted coverlet
Music cabinet
Framed floral art above bed
Victorian three-quarter size walnut bed
Parlor table
Victorian chamber commode
Wash basin and mirrored stand
Side table
Contents of desk
Faux oak round side table
Contents of wardrobe
Antique desk
Side chair with needlepoint seat
Contents of wardrobe
Black Forest cuckoo clock
2 chairs --need TLC
5 woven geese baskets
Sofa table
Porcelain and pottery on counter
Antique nestor martin parlor stove
Wrought iron peacock chair
Drop leaf table
Pair of figural table lamps
Pedestal side table & plant stand
Outdoor garden decor
Contents on & in cabinet
Walnut wall clock with pendulum
Brass plant stand
Stack of soft goods
Bird cage
Asian style server
Ginger jar table lamp with pleated shade
Group of flatware
Round pedestal side table
Porcelain figures
Corner 5-tier whatnot shelf
Corner 5-tier whatnot shelf
2-piece high boy chest of drawers
National Geographic magazines & books
Mitsubishi VCR
Group of plush animals
Ornate mirror 16x18
22x28 portrait of young girl
Shadow box 22x22
Clean up lot on table
Clean up lot on table