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1/25 IH Payhauler Truck Ertl
John Deere 9870 STS Pedal Combine NIB
MM Tot Pedal Tractor w/Loader BMC
MM Tot Pedal Tractor w/Loader BMC
(2) Loader + Blade for BMC Pedal Tractor
John Deere 20 Pedal Tractor Ertl
John Deere Large 60 Pedal Tractor Eska
Farmall 806 Pedal Tractor Ertl
Farmall 560 Pedal Tractor Eska
John Deere 20 Pedal Tractor Ertl
Oliver-White 1855 Pedal Tractor Ertl
McCormick Farmall Pedal Trailer Eska
(2) Buddy L Sit-N-Ride Tractor + Custom Disk
1/8 John Deere 4020 SM
1/8 John Deere 4010 NIB SM
1/8 John Deere 70 NIB SM
1/8 John Deere B NIB SM
1/8 John Deere Flare Box Wagon NIB SM
1/8 John Deere L Spreader NIB SM
1/8 John Deere L Spreader NIB SM
1/8 John Deere 4 Bottom Plow NIB SM
1/16 John Deere 8760 Collector NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 8760 Collector NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 9400 Collector NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 8870 NIB Ertl
1/16 Case 4994 Ertl
1/16 Case-IH 4994 Collector Ertl
1/16 Versatile D-100 SM
1/16 Versatile 935 1990 Boston SM
1/16 Versatile 825 SM
1/16 Ford Versatile 1156 SM
1/16 Versatile 936 SM
1/16 Steiger Panther CP-1400 SM
1/16 New Holland 9882 SM
1/16 New Holland 9384 SM
1/16 Caterpillar Challenger 45 Launch Edition NIB NZG
1/16 Case 580 Super M Backhoe 50 Year Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4430 Precision Key NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 55 Combine Prestige NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 45 Combine Prestige NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4320 2006 Iowa State Fair NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4440 1996 Iowa State Fair NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4640 Collector NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 5020 40th Anniversary NIB Ertl
1/16 AC 7060 NIB Ertl
1/16 MM G750 Firestone NIB Ertl
1/16 IH Tandem Disc NIB Ertl
1/16 IH Plow NIB Ertl
1/16 IH Manure Spreader NIB Ertl
1/16 IH Grain Drill NIB Ertl
1/16 IH Hay Rake NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Wheel Loader NIB Ertl
1/24 John Deere Titan Combine NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 220 Flex Disk NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 44 Spreader NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Baler NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Chuck Wagon NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Mower Conditioner NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere G Hi-Crop Collectors Center NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 40T w/Plow Collectors Center NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 620 LP Collectors Center NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 8N Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford NAA Golden Jubilee Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 641 Workmaster Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Farmall 460 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Farmall MD w/Loader Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere A w/Cultivators Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4020 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4020 Power Shift Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4000 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere F145H Plow Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 494-A Planter Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 494-A Planter Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 494-A Planter Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 720 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere B Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere B Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 730 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 730 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 730 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4020 w/Corn Picker Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4020 w/Corn Picker Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Waterloo Boy Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Barge Wagon Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Barge Wagon Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4440 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Hay Wagon Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 3010 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 630 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 8020 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 70 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 5010 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 5010 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 5010 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 5010 Precision NIB Ertl
1/32 John Deere 9750 STS Combine Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 110 L&G Set Precision NIB Ert
1/16 John Deere 830 200th Birthday NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4520 Collector NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 720 Prestige NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 620 Prestige NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 7320 2005 Farm Show NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deerer 4960 NIB Ertl
1/16 Case-IH MXU135 w/Loader NIB Ertl
1/16 Case-IH Magnum MX220 NIB Ertl
1/16 Case-IH 7130 Strasbourg NIB Ertl
1/16 New Holland T6070 Dealer Ertl
1/16 Deutz-Allis 6210 Special Edition NIB Ertl
1/16 Deutz-Allis 9150 Special Edition NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 8310T NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 8200 NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 7800 Collector NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 6400 NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 7600 NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4230 Collector NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4010 Collector NIB Ertl
1/32 Case-IH 2166 Combine NIB Ertl
1/16 IH 1026 Golden Demonstrator NIB Ertl
1/16 IH 1568 NIB Ertl
1/16 IH 1586 NIB Ertl
1/16 IH 1566 Special Edition NIB Ertl
1/16 IH 1466 Turbo Special Edition NIB Ertl
1/16 IH 1066 Special Edition NIB Ertl
1/16 IH 966 Special Edition NIB Ertl
1/16 IH Hydro 100 Special Edition NIB Ertl
1/16 IH 826 NIB Ertl
1/16 Case-IH 5120 Maxxum NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 Ford 1710 + NH Hay Rake NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere L&G Set NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 6 bottom Plow NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 6 bottom Plow NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deerer 568 Round Baler NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 567 Round Baler NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Forage Wagon Customized
1/16 John Deere 4520 Custom
1/16 John Deere 620 2002 SFTS Ertl
1/16 John Deere 420V 2003 2 Cylinder Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 320 + 330 E-Tees
1/16 John Deere 6 bottom Plow Ertl
1/16 John Deere Disk Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 630 + Plow
1/16 John Deere Plow Eska
1/16 John Deere Plow Eska
1/16 John Deere 494 Corn Planter Ertl
1/16 John Deere Corn Planter Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere Plow + Baler Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere Disk + Rake Ertl
Country Mile Pickup NIB NyLint
(2) 1/16 Case-IH C90 + Round Baler Ertl
1/16 New Holland BR780 Round Baler NIB SM
1/24 Gleaner R-62 Combine SM
1/16 Case 1370 Customized
1/32 New Holland Combine Ertl
1/32 AC Gleaner L2 Combine Ertl
1/12 Allis Chalmers C American Precision
1/16 AC D19 Series III Ertl
1/16 John Deere 440 Industrial Ertl
1/16 Oliver Grain Drill Customized
(3) 1/16 IH Wagons + Elevator Ertl
1/32 John Deerer 7520 Collector NIB Ertl
1/32 Ford FW-60 NIB Ertl
1/32 AC 8550 NIB Ertl
(3) MM, Gleaner, MF Combine
(3) 1/32 Case + MF Backhoes
1/64 AC 7045 Trucks of the World NIB Ertl
(2) 1/64 IH 1586 + Farm Set NIB Ertl
1/64 IH 4366 1990 St. Louis Baker
(2) 1/64 Ford FW-60 + MF 4880 NIB Ertl
(2) 1/64 Case Agri-King NIB Ertl
(3) 1/64 AC, Oliver, MM NIB
John Deere Tractor Umbrella
Nothing Runs Like A Deere Sign
International Harvester XL Dealer Sign
Valley Self Propelled SSP Sign
Arkansas Cattlemens Assn SSP Sign
Funk's G Hybrid SST Sign
Moor Man's SST Sign
Universal Milkers SST Sign
Bush Hog DST Sign
New Holland 200 Series Skid Loader SST Sign
Massey Ferguson Clock
(2) PCA + GE Clocks
Tractor Cut-out Sign
Tractor Road Sign
(2) HyPerformer + Croplan SST Signs
AC Man + Food Poster
Ford Tractors Poster
Beck's Superior Hybrid Seed Corn Bag Framed
Lark Brand Farm Seeds Bag Framed
Pioneer Hybrid Seed Corn Bag Framed
(2) Indiana Farm Bureau Seed Bag Framed + CO-OP Bag
John Deere Thermometer
1987 John Deere Day 150 Years Thermometer
John Deere Thermometer
John Deere Bench
John Deere Letter Holder
(2) John Deere Clock + Thermometer
This Farm Uses John Deere Tractors SST Sign
(2) John Deere SST Reproduction Signs
(2) John Deere Thermometer + SST Sign
(2) John Deere SST Reproduction Signs
(3) John Deere Weather Station, Rain Guage, Cutting Board
(4) John Deere Sign, Clock + License Plates
John Deere Parts SST Reproduction Sign
John Deere Genuine SST Reproduction Sign
Oliver Finest In Farm Machinery SST Reproduction Sign
Ford Tractor Batteries Sign
(2) Ford Tractor SST Reproduction Signs
(2) Ford Tractor Sign + Thermometer
Ford Farming Thermometer
(2) Ford Tractor Factory Photos
(2) Ford Tractor Photos
(2) IH Farmall Thermometers
(3) IH Flag, Thermometer, Photo
(6) Case Signs + Hats
Case Wood Sign
(2) Case Statue + Clock
(2) Case Statue + Clock
(2) Case Statue + Thermometer
(2) AC Gear Lube Can + Sign
(2) Oliver Sign + Yardstick
(2) John Deere Flag + Umbrella
Snapper SST Sign
Chore-Time Brock Bins Thermometer
FMC Side Winder Thermometer
McCormick Cast Iron Seat
Champion Cast Iron Seat
(2) John Deere Oil Cans
(2) John Deere Paint Cans
John Deere Cotton Picker Spindle Grease Can
(2) John Deere Hydrostatic Fluid + Diesel Fuel Conditioner Cans
(2) John Deere Oil and Multi-Luber Cans
John Deere Gasoline Can
(7) John Deere Torq-Gard Supreme Engine Oil Cans
John Deere Cover Plate + Shovels
John Deere Parts Boxes + Bags
IH Hydraulic + Transmission Fluid Can
IH Filters, Cans, Part Boxes
(10) Case Filter and Medallions
(2) Massey Ferguson Oil Cans
(2) Firestone + Wards Cans
(8) SFA Motor Oil Cans
John Deere Green Oil Can
John Deere Oil Can
John Deere Chain Break Tool
John Deere Pennants
John Deere Bolt Gauge
(2) John Deere Thermometers
(2) John Deere Thermometers
(3) John Deere Rain Gauges
(2) John Deere Straw Hats
(3) John Deere Yardsticks
(2) John Deere Industrial Yardstick + Toy Catalog
John Deere Bell, Plate, Matchbooks, Atlas'
IHC Oil Can
IH Oil Can
IH Straw Cowboy Hat
IH Terminal Kit
(4) IH Thermometer, Rain Gauge, Badges
IH Ruler, Screwdriver, Keys, + Matchbooks
(2) IH Playing Cards + Clip
(3) IHC Coin, Sharpening Stone, Paperweight
(5) Case-IH Belt Buckles
(10) Case-IH Hats
Oliver Pith Helmet
Ford Pith Helmet
Ford Filter, Oil Can, Bank, Matchbooks
(3) Case Plaque + Belt Buckles
(6) Case Industrial Belt Buckles
(7) Case Tractor Belt Buckles
(6) Case Belt Buckles
(6) Case Belt Buckles
(6) AC Belt Buckles, Matchbook, Watch Fob
Caterpillar, Adams, CO-OP, Etc...
MH, Hesston, David Brown, Bush Hog, Etc...
New Holland Lot
(3) Thermometers
(3) Gold Horse Rice Bags
(4) Thermometer, Yardstick, Rain Gauge, Clip
Misc. Lot
John Deere Cotton Pickers Service Manual
John Deere Cotton Pickers Service Manual
John Deere Fuel System + Engines Service Manual
John Deere 5010, 5020, 7020 Parts Catalogs
(2) John Deere Parts Catalogs
John Deere 6600/7700 Combines Service Manual
John Deere 4000 Series Tractors Service Manual
John Deere 110 L&G Service Manual + Parts Catalogs
(2) John Deere 4400/4420 Combine Manuals
(3) John Deere Tractor + Engine Manuals
John Deere 2520 Technical Manual
John Deere 110/112 L&G Service Manual
John Deere 4320 Parts Catalog
John Deere 5010 + 5020 Parts Catalogs
John Deere 6030 Parts Catalog
John Deere 4230 Parts Catalog
John Deere 830 Parts Catalog
John Deere 720 Diesel Parts Catalog
(2) John Deere 1020 + 1050 Manuals
John Deere 2510 Parts Catalog
John Deere 4440 Service Manual
John Deere 60/70 L&G Service Manual
John Deere 140 L&G Service Manual
(2) John Deere 8430 + 8630 Parts Catalogs
(2) John Deere L&G Product Manual + Sales Literature
(2) John Deere L&G Operators Manuals
John Deere 140 L&G Operators Manual
John Deere B Series Tractors Instructions Manual
(2) John Deere 1010 + 3010 Operators Manuals
(2) John Deere B Tractors Operators Manuals
(2) John Deere 4020 + 5020 Operators Manuals
(2) John Deere Industrial Operators Manuals
(2) John Deere I&T Shop Manuals
John Deere B Tractor Operators Manual
John Deere 420 Tractor Operators Manual
John Deere 520 Tractor Operators Manual
John Deere No. 1 Cotton Picker Predelivery Instructions
(2) John Deere Cotton Picker Manuals
John Deere 4010 Operators Manual
(2) John Deere 820 + 4030 Operators Manuals
(2) John Deere 40 Operators Manuals
(2) John Deere 40 Operators Manuals
John Deere G Tractor Operators Manual
John Deere 40 Crawler Operators Manual
John Deere 70 Diesel Tractor Operators Manual
John Deere R Diesel Tractor Operators Manual
John Deere 720 LP Tractor Operators Manual
John Deere 730 Diesel Tractor Operators Manual
John Deere MT Tractor Operators Manual
John Deere 420 Tractor Operators Manual
(2) John Deere 4640/4840 Tractor + Disk Bedders Operators Manuals
(13) John Deere Implement Operators Manuals
(14) John Deere Implement Operators Manuals
(6) John Deere Implement Manuals
1938 John Deere Sale Literature Catalog
1959-1964 John Deere Service Bulletins
John Deere Service Tools Catalog
John Deere Parts Catalogs
(7) John Deere Thresher + Combine Manuals
(2) John Deere Plow Works + Spreader Works Catalogs
(2) John Deere Dain + Harvester Works Catalogs
(4) John Deere Engine Manuals
John Deere Manuals + Parts Catalogs
(6) John Deere Combine Manuals
1954 John Deere 40 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) John Deere Tractor Sales Literature
(3) John Deere Sales Literature
(3) John Deere Sales Literature
(5) John Deere Sales Literature + Pocket Ledger
(4) John Deere Furrow Magazines + Book
(2) John Deere Operation, Care, + Repair of Farm Machinery Books
(2) John Deere Operation, Care, + Repair of Farm Machinery Books
(2) John Deere Operation, Care, + Repair of Farm Machinery Books
John Deere Parts Bags
Steiger Product Sales Manual
Steiger Marketing Guide
(2) Tractor Books
1976 + 1977 Nebraska Tractor Test Data Booklets
MM Manuals
IH Salestars Winner Binder with Case-IH Product Guide
(2) Oliver 1800 + 1900 Tractor Manuals
(4) Oliver + Cockshutt Manuals
(2) Case Tractor Sales Literature
(6) Case Sales Literature
(5) Case Sales Literature + Book
1996 Case Dealer Operating Guide
Case 1090 + 1170 Tractor Service Manual
(5) Case Mauals
(4) Case Tractor Manuals
MF + MH Sales Literature
(2) MF Manual + Sales Literature
(4) MF Tractor Manuals
(5) MF Combine + MH Baler Manuals
(2) Ford Manuals
(3) MM Tractor Sales Literature + Manual
(5) MM Manuals
(4) Ford + Ferguson Tractor Manuals
(5) Ford + Ferguson Literature
(5) Ford + Ferguson Sales Literature + Manuals
(4) Ford Tractor Manuals
(6) Ford + Ferguson Manuals
(8) Ferguson Literature
(8) New Holland + Others Manuals + Sales Literature
Allis Chalmers Cotton Pickers Sales Literature
(4) AC Tractor Manuals + Sales Literature
(2) AC 170 + 220 Tractor Sales Literature
(8) Sales Literature Lot
(10) United Training Schools Equipment Operator's Course Manuals
(9) FFA Student + Instructor Manuals
Kubota M7 Series Tractor Dealer Sales Binder
Kubota Sales Literature Binder
Kubota Sales Training Guide
(2) Kubota Product Guide Binders
(2) Kubota Product Guide + Sales Literature Binders
1970 IH Buyer's Guide
IH Roots in Chicago Book
IH + Case-IH Literature Lot
1968 IH Parts & Accessories Catalog
(3) IHC Farmall + McCormick-Deering Tractor Manuals
(2) IH Farmall Tractor Operators Manuals
(3) IH Tractor Operators Manuals
(3) IH Tractor Operators Manuals
(3) IH Cotton Picker Manuals
(3) IH Cub + Cub Cadet Manuals
(2) IH Farmall Parts Catalogs
(3) IH Industrial Crawler + Backhoe Operators Manuals
(9) IH + Case-IH Manuals
Case-IH Dealer Advertising Material
Case-IH 2390/2590 Tractor Service Manual
(2) Case-IH Dealer Sales Literature
Case-IH Tractors Product Info Binder
Case-IH Implement Manuals
Case-IH Product Information Binder
Case-IH Product Information Binder
(2) Great Plains Price List + Sales Literature
(2) Case-IH Product Information + Sales Manual
(3) Case-IH Product Training + Sales Support Manuals
John Deere Dealer Microfilm
(10) John Deere Pathfinder Slide Carousels